The Best Places to Put Vending Machines

Some of you reading this article may be interested in what the best places to put vending machines are. A strategically placed vending machine not only can generate large amounts of revenue and footfall, but can in fact lead to many repeat customers. Furthermore, by offering vending machines in certain ‘hotspots’ individuals, especially those who are travelling too and from work, are supplied with morning/evening snacks to help them power through the day. As such, this article will discuss the best places to put vending machines. 

Best Places to Put Vending Machines:

  • Offices

Offices are one of the best places to put vending machines. In today’s busy world, employees get hungry and thirsty throughout the day and vending machines provide convenient options for people who don’t pack drinks, snacks or lunches for themselves. Not to mention if it is a multi story office building the potential footfall per day can be impressive. 

  • Hospitals

The beauty about hospitals is that they are open 24/7, 365 days a year. Furthermore, they offer quick and easy snack for:

  1. Patients – who want a nice treat and break from traditional hospital food.
  2. Caretakers/staff – who don’t have time to leave the facility to go to restaurants while dealing with patients
  3. Visitors/guests – that are visiting their loved ones who want a quick snack so they can spend more time with loved ones.
  • Gyms

Active gym goers generally work up an appetite when they have finished their workout. As such, gyms are one of the best locations for vending machines. This is because you can stock healthy and protein-rich protein bars to help aid those looking to repair their sore muscles after a workout. Not to mention energy drinks can also be stocked which will no doubt fly out of the vending machines as people enter in and out of the complex. 

  • School Institutions

Vending machines in the right locations on a school premises can be an excellent source of revenue as hundreds of students pass by every day who are in a hurry and are likely going to be hungry. Schools are particularly ideal for vending machines that sell healthy products because parents and administrators want to ensure students have access to better options as opposed to chips, cupcakes and pizzas during the day. Not to mention, university students are more likely to stay up later at night so having access to snacks and energy drinks can help them when completing assignments/dissertations throughout the night. 

  • Retail Stores

Finally, retail stores are one of the best places to put vending machines. Retail stores attract two types of customers in regards to vending machines. They are: the customers coming in and out of the store which, if the retail store is in a busy city, will generate a large footfall. And the second being the employees working in the store. People often get hungry and thirsty while they are shopping and a vending machine placed near an entrance can be a great way to help supply people with snacks that can assist with their mental and physical capabilities. Not to mention, the employees in a retail store typically don’t get a longer than 30 minute break which may not be enough time to go to a restaurant and purchase food/drink.

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